Discuss Heroic School tactics

edited November 2014 in [2. Trade]
Ok as we all know with patch 4.20 the heroic version of 'School' has released. Also known amongst the community as 'Heroic Nova College'. This will be the thread for discussing tactics and strategies regarding this dungeon. Obviously our main target should be strategies to defeat the boss, spooky Andy.

However, let's not forget the trash mobs that appear in the many dangerous places this dungeon offers, such as the spooky laboratories, where mutated students and spooky flying labcoats are a very common enemy. Or the cafeteria, where overpriced sausage rolls and the likes will come flying at you like no tomorrow. This is a room to test your dodging skills obviously, and because we are the most MLG 1337 guild on the server, this will be no problem for us at all.

If you have any strategies to share for one of the following:
"The laboratories (particularly the spooky copying machine boss)"
"The cafeteria"
"The parking lot"
"The spooky AO lokaal (especially in dealing with the portal turret)"

please post them here

thanks and see you later alligator


  • 10/10 will post my theorycraft
  • edited November 2014
    tokado said:

    10/10 will post my theorycraft

    Thank you
  • edited November 2014
    First of all I'd like to tell you that it's not as hard as you may think.

    I did this in 13 attempts, but if you know what to do it's pretty easy.

    I won't spoil everything for you, but some are really hard to figure out if you had no previous fapping in school experience or you just aren't a virgin.

    1."The cafeteria"

    This one is pretty easy, walk awkwardly through the shop without buying anything and if one of the ladies asks if you are gay, tell them you'd rather pay with sand than real water.

    After that you might see some girls, don't worry it's really easy, take your phone and show them any pic of the following people [Sjoerd,John,Damon,Jorian,Jordy,Carlo] and ask the girl if she knows him.
    The response depends on the girl and after that you can continue on to play "bullying" with the bois.

    Note: I have not encountered special boss "koolbergen" during this dungeon(as he is a rare encounter) telling me the break is over, so if anyone could fil in that information i would appreciate it.

    2. "The spooky AO lokaal (especially in dealing with the portal turret)"

    The main thing you wanna do here is avoiding the portal turret.

    you might ask, well it's not as simple as the cafeteria but it's
    possible, when you come in the first thing you do is show wouter you
    have a pen, after that you will encounter "sander" tell him his shoes
    are very exquisite and that he is beautiful, he will ask for your
    passport or any other form of identification, tell him his son really
    looks like wolverine and awkwardly tell him you gotta pee.

    here comes the tricky part, you need to go back and make a turn then go
    in deeper into the classroom using the opposite side of where sander was
    standing with you(this also makes you avoid the turret).

    Now this last part is pretty easy, you will meet a lady named π.

    Tell her you are 3.14 years old , and that you admire how comfortable the chairs are in the classroom.

    You might able to throw ur pen from the beginning at joost during the dungeon but it's really tricky and he might rage at you. So I'd advice you to only try that when you have done the dungeon flawless at least a couple of times
  • I'm really bad at clearing the parking lot currently and always get hit by the car when i try to avoid koolbergen, so if anyone has a better tactic for that dungeon, i would appreciate you posting it here.

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